What is your favourite thing about living alone?

I grew up in a household that was clean and people didnt walk around with shoes in the house. My parents are European and I know a lot of folks from the states dont follow the “custom,” shit, a lot of europeans dont follow it either but the house I grew up in was kept tidy by my mother.

I didnt know how much it bothered me until I had roommates. My home didnt feel like a home, it felt more like a hotel. Seriously, I wanna be able to walk around my house barefoot without my feet getting dirty. That and I was amazed at how sloppy inconsiderate a lot of people are. I never considered myself super tidy, my room was a mess compared to the rest of my house growing up, but after living with a couple roommates I feel like I’m well put together even though I KNOW thats not the case.

/r/AskWomen Thread