What was your 'fuck it' moment?

Ok. Nightshift. Radiology. I'm the dude that runs CT scans and stuff. It's kind of quiet at night (well some nights), so we're sleeping and people call us when they need x-rays done or whatever.

Shitty friday night. Sleep 20 mins. X-ray hand of drunk dude. Sleep 20 mins. X-ray ancle of drunk girl. Repeat for 3-4 hands and 3-4 ankles. At this point I'm kind of zombie mode.

Then ICU calls. They need some guy's head CT scanned. Like NOW.

So I get up. Get over there. Machine ready and everything. Nobody shows up. I call them. Something else came up. They don't have enough people to come over. Forgot to call. Sigh. Ok. Back to bunk, knowing they'll call again.

20 mins later. They call again. I get up. There's a new referral on the patient. Says full body scan. This needs to be cleared with the radiologist. So I call them. It's not cleared. Wait 10 mins. They call me back. Scan cancelled. Sigh. Back to bed.

30 mins later. ICU again. The cancel is ... cancelled. Need the head scanned anyway. So I get up. Get over there. They show up with the patient.

Now, a CT scanner needs people to not move. Otherwise movement messes up the images. Kind of like a phone camera sometimes needs a full second to take an image, and movement blurs it. Except a CT of the head needs 30ish seconds of NO movement.

The patient was... not shaking, more like some sort of seizure/dance. He's hopping and bopping alI over the bed. I ask if that just started. Nope, been going on for hours.

"Ok so ... can you guys like sedate him or something?" "No. Not an option." ...

I just said goodnight and left. Just in time to hear my alarm clock as I got back to the bunk.

/r/AskReddit Thread