What was your "Fuck this shit I'm out" moment?

I was out at a bar with my mate and his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s friends. I was having a chat with one of the friends and she was barely responding, acting aloof like a stereotypical ‘mean girl’ who was too good for any guy. Was clear that she was playing hard to get, almost comically so.

I didn’t really care, I was seeing someone at the time and I was just trying to be friendly and have a chat. After about the 3rd time that she sarcastically said “Cooool” I literally said out loud “Fuck this shit” and just walked away and had a great time chatting and hanging out with the rest of the group.

Later on, she went to my mates girlfriend and friends talking shit about me hitting on her and they shut her down immediately and told her I’m not interested in her, I was just being nice.

From then on, she was a much nicer person.

/r/AskReddit Thread