What was your “Haha I’m in danger” moment?

Happened a few months ago.

So I'm walking in this street, and it's like 7-8 PM. There aren't many people here. I see this old guy on a wheelchair and he asks me if I can help him.

He seems pretty weak and I decide to push his wheelchair for some distance out of the kindness of my heart. After all I don't have to go out of my way, and he's just some old guy on a wheelchair. What is he gonna do, attack me?

So I'm now pushing this guy on a wheelchair. I soon find out that he's one of those not-so-friendly old guys. Actually he's kind of mean. Well, whatever.

And then he asks me to push the wheelchair into this alley. Still not so scary. It's just an alley. It's not that dark. He's just an old man.

But then he asks me to push the wheelchair into this OTHER alley. This one's kind of creepy and pretty dark. Now I'm starting to feel kinda creeped out. I'm probably gonna run back to the main street after I drop this guy off to his house or wherever the fuck he's going.

And then as I'm going to push his wheelchair into the alley, he asks me to "walk backwards into the alley and pull the wheelchair with me", as "its wheels have a problem."

So here I'm thinking, No dude, I was pushing you for the last 10 minutes and your wheels are completely fine. I'm not gonna walk into some sort of creepy alley in a position ideal for anyone to knock me out. And then to top it all off, there's this car at the end of that dead end with its headlights on.

So basically I'm like "yeah i walk in there and i'm dead." So I pretend that the wheelchair is stuck and isn't moving. Then make up an excuse and gtfo

Forgive me Mr. Mean Old Guy if you weren't a murderer. That shit was outta my nightmares

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