What is your hearthstone schedule?

Beginning of the season:

"Alright! I'm back down to the low ranks. The first week is awful regardless of what I do, so I think I'll just try to create my own decks. Say, remember Herald Volajz? That was kind of a neat card. I'll try to build a control deck partially based around him."

(Twelve straight losses later)

"Okay. Well, that's impossible. Not enough tools for Aggro, perpetually running out of steam against Jade. I'll just do Dragon Priest for a bit"

Midway through the season:

"Alright, good. I hit rank 10. What were the rewards for that again? Whatever, I'll look it up later. This is great! I'm on a winstreak of 12! Let's try for rank 5."

(One loss streak back to rank 13 later)

"This game sure is fun. God. Should I have just built a Pirate Warrior deck instead of crafting a golden Ysera? I mean everyone says you can just float up to rank 5 in a few days with it. And I believe it too. Just look at this shit. ...No, no. Don't even say that. Control decks will be a thing again. And besides, rank is meaningless. Remember? You used to be a rank 5 player back in the day. Do you really want to start grinding for imaginary star points in a cartoon card game again? Going face with a deck like that over and over until you've made your ego feel better by reaching an artificially high rank? You're better than that."

(Three matches in casual with a Herald Volajz deck later...)

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually fucking kidding me? What's the point of casual? It's the same exact decks. Do these people have no lives? Why are they grinding for paltry portions of imaginary gold? Just stop stuffing your fat fucking faces with McDonalds for a day and buy some card packs. You'd really rather sit here and do this for hours than pay $3?"

End of the season:

"Well. Maybe the game will be better soon, at least. The new rank system seems neat. Sure would be nice to be able to try that Herald Volajz deck without dropping to rank 15. Who knows, maybe other people will start trying new stuff and every match won't be the exact same experience replicated ad nauseam."

Beginning of the first season of the next expansion:

"Oh for fucks sake it's still just netdecking Shamans."

/r/hearthstone Thread