What is your idea of immigrants assimilating into our culture?

There are also tons of people in this country (myself included) who feel that gay people should be allowed to get married because there is fundamentally nothing wrong with a) two people of the same sex being in love and b) them having the same rights as a straight married couple if they should decide to get married. We see it as a right that gay people should have, and that their right shouldn't be infringed upon by their surrounding communities just because their religion teaches against it. If we kept all laws/practices established by Christianity, we would be living in a backwards ass country. I'm talking laws regarding slave trade (Old Testament) and rules preventing women from speaking in church (New Testament). In other words, we see society as having evolved past the need to conform to religious standards because objectively speaking, some of those standards are just fucking wrong and fundamentally immoral. So just like you have to right to push your agenda through government (or, in your words, preventing yourself from being forced into advocacy), we have the right to push our agenda too. The reason why you feel that your beliefs are under attack is that in this case, your beliefs are preventing others from having equal rights. There's no point in arguing if you're coming from a religious standpoint and I'm coming from a secular one. I'm just trying to say that from a socially liberal person's perspective, YOU guys are the ones who are

Trying to force your beliefs on others.

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