What is your ideal nation like?

(United States)

Well, first we would implement a "warrior culture". Masculinity and toughness are the greatest virtues, as well as morality and chivalry. Military is compulsory. It begins at 13, when the training starts, and ends at 21, with eight years of service. The training will be the most brutal on earth, fine-toned for maximum physical and mental strength.

The government will be run by the Council of Thirteen, who elect the Chief Warlord to lead the nation. The Military Congress legislates with the help of the Chief Warlord. The Warlord can be impeached at any time by the Council of Thirteen. The Council of Thirteen will at first be the Founding Fathers of the "new" United States, and successors are chosen by the majority vote of the other members should one resign, die, be impeached, or otherwise unable to rule.

The United States needs land. It also needs constant warfare to keep us on our tones and to infinitely hone our combat skills. That's why we will invade and annex Canada, toughening ourselves up with the guerrilla warfare that will undoubtedly happen in the Northern Territories. Then we invade Mexico, and gradually push ourselves down to the tip of South America. Insurrection will occur, and it will be a never-ending battle between the United States and the rebels, and hopefully it will last indefinitely.

If the Americas are somehow tamed, we will move on to Africa and Australasia.

/r/DebateFascism Thread