What do your interests or hobbies mean to you?

I love to read because I love immersing myself in fictional worlds. I like "escaping" and reading fantasy and science fiction. I'm a nerd...what can I say. I like aliens, wormholes, time travel, unicorns, vampires, wendigos...all that shit. I get really into books I read and get very attached to the characters.

I love to write, for the same reasons. I like writing poetry because poems can be anything you want them to be. There aren't any rules. You can be creative.

I like to draw and paint because like I said, I love creating. I see things in my dreams and try to recreate them on paper. Might sound really weird. I know that I'm weird. That's why I chose this username.

I love music because it's just beautiful. It definitely does affect my emotion. Certain songs and bands really got me through hard times.

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