What your life like? In a nutshell, I want to know what makes you... you. (Obviously you can't type everything, but, it would be great if you can tho.)

Disclaimer: I'm mentally ill and not in a good situation right now, so this might shows in my answers.

Thoughts/Feelings: How to survive my everyday life. What art I want to create. What to expect in life. How to help my sick parents (no affection, just basic human decency).

Goals: None. Just trying to work and get money to pay my bills and food. Silly goals I have is to play as many video games as possible

Dreams: I used to dream to have a positive impact on people's well-being like being social worker or something. I also dreamed being fully independent + being passionate for a social cause. None of these dreams are achievable right now though.

Sleep Schedule: Inconsistent. I have insomnia.

Food: I'm a vegetarian opportunist. I eat meat sometimes, but I try to reduce it in my daily meals if I can for health and moral reasons.

Attitude: Friendly, compassionate and tell lots of jokes. Internally cynical and angry though.

Problems: Difficulty being a functional person. I quit college after trying many ambitious things and worked hard but my bad mental health got in the way. Now I'm looking for a retail job to help me survive. I'm also taking care of my parents who both have chronic diseases. I'm in my 20s though.

Social life: I'm a loner. I like connecting with people, but it's hard to maintain any kind of relationship. I have one close friend though.

Family: The way I'd describe it: "it is what it is". Dysfunctional family due to substance abuses and domestic violence. Mixed feelings toward my parents but I have a sense of responsibility toward them for as long as I can remember. Positive bond with my sister though.

Hobbies/Interests: Social sciences. Video games. Animals. Arts.

Love Life: I'm aromantic but seek companionship..

Skills: Idk, I lost interest...But I used to work hard on becoming self-sufficient and becoming a respectable student/worker.

Self-Esteem: Idk...I don't pay attention to it

Philosophy: The world is indifferent to your existence or pain. But make it meaningful for yourself and embrace it.

Goal/Task: I used to be extremely goal-oriented.

/r/infj Thread