What was your most favorite moment of Sword Art Online?

Well, one of the saddest moments is when SAO LN (1)Spoiler. Just said that all because in my opinion in the anime it's not very explicit.

One of the best moments it's The Gleam Eyes scene. When he reveals his Anime (Season, Episode) Spoiler The above will show up as: Anime (Season, Episode) Spoiler

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Well, one of the saddest moments is when SAO LN (1)Spoiler. Just said that all because in my opinion in the anime it's not very explicit.

One of the best moments it's The Gleam Eyes scene. When he shows his SAO (Season 1, Episode 9) Spoiler Also, the fight in SAO (Season 1, It gives too much trouble to go and check the episode) Spoiler are also great moments. And just more one: in GGO, the Gift Grenade :P

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