What is your most and least favorite part about DBD?

This one I'mreally enjoying- my favorite match is when we both have an active phase and both survivors need to revive in the same turn (i know that it's not really a match of that nature but it still adds so much to the game ). :l

My favourite : when we both have a high number of zombies (for example one survivor is missing/on the brink of death while the other survivor has had the healing phase... ) or when we both need to get on a few zombies before we can make a kill. I don't mind when the survivor is able to get a kill before he/she can even get up, but I can't abide when it can happen even after we've both hit the death phase. :l No favourites yet: I have a couple of ideas, but I'm a little behind and need some feedback on them.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread