What is your most up-voted comment?

Well, best prepare for inevitable and dramatic rise in STDs, teen pregnancies, abortions, and depression as well as other illnesses that effect sexual health.

This is what happens when you resort to puritanical, draconian, and seriously outdated systems. People who can't or don't want to talk to other people can't educate themselves about these things and end up doing harm to their own health.

It's nice to see their taking a stand on such a non issue that was solved years ago with basic safe search on browsers but no, lets fuck up everyone because some parents can't educate their own kids or figure out to work a computer properly.

Just in case you aren't completely sold on this so far, just look at how the abstinence only "education" worked in America. You don't solve a problem by ignoring it. You solve it through education.

You don't see them going after Page 3 in the Sun or Daily Star because that would be going too far and would piss off corporate donors.

David Cameron helped start this dumb as fuck campaign because he and the rest of his ilk don't like pornography because they are too far stuck in their Victorian values.

It's not like we have bigger problems to face like say; a shitty economy, unemployment, cuts to services, creeping privatisation, rampant social inequality and corruption, a government spying programme that has gone far beyond its mandate, and other real shit to deal with but no, lets focus on porn because we can fix that.

I really hope that David Cameron and every Eton-esque private school cunt currently in government die in a horrible yet completely preventable accident that only occurred because of some budget cut and because the government was far too focused on pornography and the Guardian being the cause of every social problem.

Edit - Wow, I never expected this to blow up like it did. Thank you very much for the gold. If you really want to prevent stupid stuff like this from being implemented at a legal level please contact your MP. It doesn't take long and at least you have tried done something to prevent a moronic policy from being implemented. Also, if you want to get ahold of sexual health information and find it has been blocked for no reason, contact your ISP and try to get it unblocked. If that doesn't work, /r/sex has a wonderful wiki for sexual health information. - 2576 points.

/r/AskReddit Thread