What is your go to music on DMT?

My current favorite is this track in a david starfire vs. soohan bass mix (this links directly to the track in a longer mix). Highly recommended if you have a proper subwoofer: https://soundcloud.com/soohan/global-bass-radio-volume-2#t=12:25

i would be curious if others found this as amazing a breakthrough track as i have.

my core tool is this set of shipibo icaros, and all other songs (including above) get mixed with these, they are baseline: Woven Songs Of The Amazon Healing Icaros Of The Shipibo Shamans

if you like the above icaros, here is a short documentary which shows the relationship between shipibo textile patterns and the icaros. it even shows some of these songs with english subtitles while being sung by a maestra simultaneously tracing the song's notation in the textile pattern. very interesting if you are interested in such things:

Woven Songs of the Amazon

/r/DMT Thread