What is your "nightmare co-worker" story?

It's the person who stays in temper tantrum/passive aggressive "Queen Bee" mode.

About two years ago, I moved departments in my company and started working for a different executive. The woman (early 40's) who had been working for him wasn't able to manage the workload on her own and they wanted to keep me employed - so I moved.

I took over four large scale tasks/projects and she FLIPPED out, even though she still had plenty of work to do. She spent the entire day of the transition bitching about how she "can handle all the work!" complaining to our boss, and attempting to have me fired. He offered her a choice of work responsibilities and she took the easy tasks (there are 2-3x as many, but they are insanely easy) and was mollified for a few weeks.

Still, to this day, when she does project hand-off (some of her tasks are on the pre-contract side), she makes mistakes in an effort to "catch" the person who takes it over. Fortunately, we are all aware that she does this and review her work before we put it in effect.

Over the last year, we've hired a new person to replace some staff that is unreliable, and she's been responsible for training. She trains them poorly and then takes offense when our boss writes them up.

If you "cross" her, It's 2-3 weeks of stomping around the office, an increase in a never-ending stream of bad language (she swears constantly as it is) and extra smoke breaks taken in order to walk circles around the outside building and complain - loudly - about any perceived slight.

Included in this - purposefully taking PTO without coordinating days off with people who will take her responsibilities, standing in common areas and blocking the way, going in to electronic files and making minute changes so it appears she's done the work, deleting forms from a shared library and re-saving them if someone else originally created/updated them, printing reports (not part of her job responsibilities) of what other people send to the shared printer.

/r/AskReddit Thread