What was your "oh shit! Im an asshole" moment?

disclaimer: english is not my main language, grammar

Child custody lawsuit, mom wanted it , dad had it, 12 year old girl.

The girl had really shitty grades, plus the father liked physical punishment ( not anything serious thou ). That, plus the wish of the girl was enough for the transfer of the custody with minimal children visit rights for the father.

Some weeks later, the mom calls me and say she had a '' problem happen ''. The problem of course was that her boyfriend raped the girl. At this point i was expecting her to ask something about the custody and explain that she fucked it up. Turns out she asked me to defend the boyfriend. I did it.

I've seen the kid multiple times before and after the rape too it really fucked me up. At the end of the day thou i'm still an asshole/trash not even gonna try to sugarcoat with defence rights like so many in the criminal area like to do.

/r/AskReddit Thread