What was your "Oh shit my life is over my parents are gonna kill me" moment you had as a child/teen?

little late to the party but ill share my story anyway.

it was my freshman year of highschool and me and my best friend were working the after prom at our high school because we were in student government. one of the older seniors we were friends with told us about a party he was having and that we could go if we brought our own alcohol.

now, at this time we were like 14/15 and had no clue how to get alcohol on our hands. by senior year we had fake ids and it was no problem, but this time our only option was to, as any genius 15 year old would, raid my parents liquor cabinet. we had the brilliant idea of putting fire ball into a huge contigo stainless steel coffee mug that we had, and then sneaking out with it.

everything went well. we went to the party, drank disgusting fire ball from a contigo mug and it was memorable bc it was my first party. Now here is where i fucked up. when i got home the next morning, i cleaned up the mug with some dish soap and put it back into the cabinet, not knowing that when you put cinnamon whiskey into a stainless steel mug, that smell is gonna take a lot more that some dish soap to go away.

literally the next morning my dad is going to work, and he pulls out the mug in front of me and takes off the lid and says “hey bud, why does this smell like fireball?”

i thought i was going to die, but luckily my parents just told me to come clean, and when i did, they talked to me for a while about safe drinking and didnt punish me severely for it.

/r/AskReddit Thread