What is your “Oh shit, I’ve got to get the hell outta here right now!” story?

A couple of years ago me and my friends went to an abandoned building that used to be some kind of hospital. There were five of us but only two have been there before, so the rest of us had no clue what the layout or anything was. This place is really close to the town centre and there's busy roads either side of it so we had to be careful incase anybody saw us.

We only knew of one way to get in, which was by hopping the front gate and then sneaking in through a tiny gap in a boarded up window. It took atleast a minute per person to hop through it because of the height of the window and the amount of sharp edges we didn't wanna get caught on, which becomes important later on.

So four of us got in and started exploring different parts of the hospital (one friend was late) and it was actually really cool because some of the signs and wallpaper were still up, so you could see what the rooms used to be. One room that sticks out is the children's room on one of the top floors, which now had a bunch of graffiti covering the windows. One of my friends who has been there before got a text from the late friend saying that he's close to where we were meant to meet, so she went to get him and left 3 of us to keep exploring.

They were gone for a while so we went back to the room we came in through and waited for them there. This was a small dark room, where the only light source was the gap in the window where we entered. After a few minutes we started hearing loud sounds near the front gate, as if someone was jumping over it constantly. Obviously we thought that it was our two friends fucking with us,

/r/AskReddit Thread