What is your pet's real name and what has it morphed into?

We have two dogs, Dodger (we didn't name him, he's a rescue) and Missi. Missi is most likely a German shepherd, all black with white highlights and she's just a year old. Missi goes insane sometimes and develops a whole new personality named Mippi because it sounds like the retarded version of Missi. We either call her The Miss or Mip anymore. Dodger is an American bulldog pit bull mix who is pretty submissive and has anxiety problems. He was a backyard breeder rescue, sold by a crack head in front of a CVS. He spent a year at a dog foster cause no one wanted him, but he locked in on me when bringing aforementioned Missi to the dog park one day and now he's my best friend. He's also ugly as sin in all but the cutest of moments, acts so stubborn I thought he was legit handicapped, and prefers to go right from 0 to begging for pretty much anything he wants, skipping the asking or crying part. He's awesome, and a lot smarter than he let's on. But because Missi becomes Mippi and Dodger acts like he has brain damage when he's feeling lazy, he gets called Dogger, since it sounds like something a redneck would name him and he looks like an inbred redneck dog.


Missi>The Miss>Mippi


Examples: Missi - Sits down, turns her head at an unnatural angle, let's her tongue hang out the side of her mouth, pants excessively and makes psychotic eye contact - "Oh shit babe, that's not Missi anymore, that's Mippi."

Dodger: "Dogger, get your damn head out of the trash can." (He acts dumb but has figured out how top latched baby gates work and likes to just stick his face in the kitchen trash, but has never stolen or eaten anything from it).

We have the best dogs. :)

/r/AskReddit Thread