What do you use your petty knives for?

My 150mm went from one of the least used to most with the change of a job. I'm now at a higher end steakhouse/sushi spot.

I use it during service on the grill station where there are only a few cutting tasks and we're busy as fuck and limited on space (recently bought a cheap stainless beater for this task.)

I now use it daily for trimming tenderloins, or fileting smaller fish. Use it on the sushi station for prep work, mainly garnish and whatnot pre-service.

Even my larger gyutos are now relegated to parsley and portioning steaks. They used to be my most frequently used at my last job.

It all depends...I was never a huge fan for board work, due to lack of knuckle clearance, but now use it more than ever.

I still barely pick up my Lil guy (95mm, I believe) as I don't do any in-hand work. 210 petty is my go-to while working sushi on the job. 270 suji is too big, and I'm not dropping loads on lefthanded single bevels..

/r/chefknives Thread