What is your story on "the one that got away"?

The summer before senior year of high school, he and I bonded over our similar situations (both of our exes had broken up with us over the summer); we became each other's confidant through email and IM. When we started classes, we became inseparable. We spent most of our school time together, and when we weren't in school or working, we were texting or on the phone. Everyone thought we were dating. But we weren't together. Naturally, feelings developed and a few months into our friendship(?) he kissed me. For a while, things were pretty perfect. We went on a few dates, we were still inseparable, but we were never an openly official couple. "Just friends." And then I screwed it all up by telling my ex that my "friend" kissed me. We got into a huge fight over this, and we didn't speak to each other for months unless we had to (for classes). Towards graduation, I think we both forgave each other because we became less hostile and more tolerant of each other's presence. But by then, it seemed pointless to try to mend things completely since we were all graduating and going off to different colleges. It wasn't until later that I realized how much he meant to me. I still thought about him occasionally and became regretful of my stupid mistakes. But we had drifted apart, started dating other people, and I thought I would never see him again. Until the summer before our senior year of college. I had a strong dream about him and decided to randomly facebook message him about it, thus rekindling our friendship. His SO had just broken up with him and I had broken up with mine. I guess since we already had a foundation from years before, we became close friends and confidants again. We hung out a few times that summer, but he was finishing his degree at a university across the country, so we didn't start anything we weren't ready for emotionally or romantically (I mean, we were both recently single again, and we weren't ready for anything romantic). We talked every day for a few months, and then sporadically until my birthday the following summer. After graduation, he came back into the general area, and we caught up. We managed to hangout at least once every other weekend, and we maintained an endless texting conversation. Until one day in September, we went on a date, and he kissed me. That was about five months ago and we are still dating. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm hoping for the best. I considered him to be "the one that got away" for a long time, but I am lucky that he came back to me, and we get a second chance.

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