What was your symptoms that initially led you to get a diagnosis

I was in my senior year of high school. I had abdominal pain on a daily basis. My stomach kept making the loudest noises in class, to the point of embarrassment. I went three months without a solid bowel movement- not even semi-solid. I had an accident or two. It was humiliating, honestly. I had been in Peru that summer and began worrying maybe I had caught something there or brought a parasite back. I just knew it wasn't normal. I tried to get my parents to take me to see a doctor, as I was still a minor, but they were hesitant. I had been severely overweight my entire life and was pushing 250lbs at this point. My dad said it was probably the effects of too much junk food. I agreed that I ate junk but it had never oven me problems before (besides the weight) and even if it was the problem, there had to be a reason for it. After a few weeks of insisting I got to see a doctor and after a blood test and biopsy I was diagnosed.

Happy side note- Celiac disease seriously changed my relationship with food and I am no longer morbidly obese. Results not typical, but in ways I'm grateful for it.

/r/Celiac Thread