What is your top love language? And your bottom?

Here's the test for anyone's that's curious to find out: https://www.5lovelanguages.com/. Not sure if it's that accurate. I feel like if you think about your interactions with those closest to you, how you show your love and appreciation for them, and when you feel loved by them the most, you'd get a sense of it better yourself.

Anyways when I think about my relationships with my family and close friends, Quality Time is definitely number one. After that would probably be Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. Receiving Gifts and Physical Touch would probably be the lowest.

Not sure if it would be slightly different with a significant other. I'd done the test beginning of 2017 when I was in a relationship and I got really high on physical touch. However, that was probably just cuz all the hand holding and hugs were so new and nice to me so I picked that answer for many questions.

/r/AskMen Thread