What is your unsubstantiated theory that you believe to be true but have no evidence to back it up?

I dont believe in ghosts or phantoms etc, i dont believe in any kind of mysterious, magic or in any kind of god, i am an atheist as far as it gets. I dont believe in any afterlife, second plane, parallel worlds or something of that regard and under normal circumstances i would say i believe in rebirth but somethings im wondering on that last part.

I never talked with anyone about this, people would think me a lunatic, idiot, or just someone with too much imagination :/

But i think there are some dreams that are real, or better, "were" real some time.

The normal dream ( if you have one ) is something most dont remember or even notice, but i remember almost all of my dreams, if i would have to guess i would say i dream in 5-6 out of 7 nights and i remember almost every detail.

I read a lot about lucid dreaming and there are a lot of things you can practice, to remember more from your dreams, but this doesnt work for me i cant remember "more" if i already see, feel, hear, smell or taste everything but i know its a dream, it is fiction. Maybe you can compare it to really good CGI, if you see it it looks so real as if it were, but there is always something uncanny about it so that you KNOW it is not. (Uncanny valley effect)

So back to my hypothesis/theory:

Once or twice a month, but mostly irregual i have another kind of dream one that feels more like a vivid memory. The difference to my other dreams is, i not only see, hear etc. everything, but i have this feeling of remembrence, of things that arent in that "scene" of my dream, my age, gender, place, year, city, continent. It is as if you remember something from your childhood, you think you know the year, the location and what exactly happend, but you will get something wrong about the exact details, but your feeling is right since it is "almost" correct. ( sorry if that is kind of confusing )

It is as if i watched "Butterfly Effect", all these memories arent rushing back, they are just there, but not all, there are some gaps.

I try to praphrase an example, one of the dreams that was more than just real. I dont think anything at all, except if i experienced something in this day and life could compare to it in "realness".

I was in a dark street at night there was some light but nothing compared to present day streetlights, i was a woman wearing a corset and a dress, it was a not-so-dark shade of wine red, i was on my way home and i wanted to hurry because the nights arent that safe for a woman at this hour ( around midnight ). I have the feeling of beeing followed, but i think that are just my nerves for beeing alone outside late at night, my mother will be really angry with me for coming this late. (I dont know from where i am coming but i know i need to get home to my mother. ) I round a corner and am almost home, just two streets away. Some metres (around 5-6m) in front of me walks a man in my direction, he is wearing a brown coat and a hat that looks a bit like a cylinder, i dont pay much attention to him, i just want to get going so i just walk in the same pace (normal walking with a slightly faster pace) on the left side while he walks ( from my pov) on the right side of the street. It is kinda narrow, even so that we can pass without brushing each other but there isnt that much space left after. Right as i pass him someone grabs me from behind, closes a hand over my mouth and drags me back. I try to fight and sqirm out of his grip, but before i can do anything we are just some metres away in a dark alley and as he hold me from behind he starts to stab me. I can feel the knive sink into me, i try to scream and squirm but he holds tight and stabs and stabs again. After a few seconds i cant hold myself on my feet, my strengths wanes and i start to feel cold. He lets me fall to the ground and i cant move, i lay there dropped like a sack of stones and he starts to take my bag. And as i feel my blood pumping through the wound in my back i see him staring at me, wiping the knive and waiting. Right before i lost consciousness i see him walking away and then...nothing.

I awake and i could swear i feel the pain the cold and the feeling of dying. It is as if that happened to me and i just remembered. I didnt sleep again that night and sadly something like this happened more than once. Its not always this perspective or person, and not always a harmfull remembrance.

But i almost always awake after and i can, to this day, remember everything.

I cant explain what happened, but for my understanding that is way beyond a dejavû or normal dream. Maybe it was another life, maybe a parallel universe or something like shared memory of someone i dont know.

The only thing i know is, sometimes these "dreams" feel more real to me than my life and that is rather frightening...

I dont know if it fits this category or if you all think im stupid, hallucination or whatever, but i am glad that i did wrote this. Because maybe there is, i dont know, someone with something similar? I hope not, but maybe i am just imagining things.

I dont know what would be better, imagining it or that it is real...both is rather frightening. :/

Ps: I am male, 24, i am neither gay, bi, pan nor have i any wishes or anything to wear womens garbs, but i dreamed as both genders, a great variety of ages and people from different countries, i think.

/r/AskReddit Thread