What was your worst consensual sexual experience?

My girlfriend had recently gotten dental braces. For those of you who don’t know about braces, as the teeth get brought in together, the excess tie wire ends up protruding near the back of the braces. Every couple of months the excess wire has to get trimmed because it’s quite sharp and can cause cuts inside the mouth.

Anyways my girlfriend was giving me a blowjob around the time she was due to get the excess wire trimmed off. She did this thing where she slid my wang inside against her cheek (between the cheek and the side of her molars). Sliding down was fine but as she went to slide her head back the sharp steel wire stabbed straight into the head of my penis. Definitely not the kind of penetration I was hoping for.

The only silver lining was that my man meat didn’t end up like a fish stuck on a fish hook as I suddenly pulled out. Also it bled a lot less than I thought it would. Needless to say I was always a bit nervous getting a blowjob after that until my girlfriend got her braces off.

/r/AskReddit Thread