What is your Zodiac sign and which Genshin element do you main/likes you the most?

I wanted to say that this was completely wrong for me, but that does explain some coincidental things.

Sagittarius here. It says fire type, but I never liked any of the pyro characters. All their playstyles were not for me. I prefer playing hydro/cryo characters. This is why I wanted to say that this is wrong, but then I realized that the game kept pushing rewards that benefits my pyro characters more compared to my other characters...

For some reason, I was forced to build bennett and XL cuz I love playing childe, and those two were amazing for him. When I aimed for hutao, hoping for a pyro dps, I got diluc and hutao in one go. I turned out to dislike their playstyles, but the game decided to give me stuff to convince me to play/try those pyro characters.

A wolf gravestone early in the game with a staff of homa recently and 3 amazing pyro goblets. One had lots of crit rate and dmg with atk% for diluc, the other had a good balance of crit rate and dmg with a chunk of hp% for hutao, and the other one had a nice balance of crit rate and dmg with a chunk of energy recharge for XL. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! Ive been using the same trash 4* hydro goblet for months!!!! My childe and XQ had to share that for months!!!! I only got usable ones (not even crit stats) recently!!! Played since 1.1 TwT ok calm down... sorry about that...

Basically, I love and hate it. I like the luck, but is it good luck if u got it for unwanted things and not during the times when u really wanted something?! It was tough getting childe in his first banner and when I tried for his c1... I went to hard pity twice (lost 50/50) for both banners...

So yea- it kinda makes sense now... idk if that is coincidence or if this horoscrope thing is actually true, but I am getting convinced...

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread