Whats the actual advantage using linux?

all it boils down to is the philosophie of freeware/open source and with all the implications it brings with it.

Basically, it is a fight against forces that take control & monopoly over of the flow of technological & information growth. Information should be free for unhindered (uncensored?!) development.

Another implication is privacy. Open source products can be inspected by third parties (you, me) to see what it does under the hood. This potentially gives you the ability to say no to software that does some fishy things in the background or simply modify it the way you like it to behave. With closed/proprietary software, you cannot tell, you have to blindly trust. This is what many do not like. F* the system, F* the government, basically! Do not trust any "authorities", is the idea behind it. These days, we see why.

It is a fight for upholding specific principles, the core one being freedom. The reality of it is quite contrary though - pretty much every pc in the world has a backdoor and every person is monitored... but people cannot handle this truth. Lol

/r/thinkpad Thread