What's an opinion that you just can't respect?

I'm right leaning because of guns and I'd like to own a business one day. I guess I could identify as a conservative. I can kind of take your idea and make a conservative version of it to show what it looks like from my side.

"True liberal values are fine. Just not the majority that hate straight people and are lazy. They feel that if you are straight and do not sexually prefer trans sexual experiences then you are transphobic. I would even argues that liberal conservative economics is rediculous. (Insert something about the soviet union failing so communistic/socialism wouldn't work.) Liberals don't care for what's right. They only care about what benefits the lower class at the expense of middle and upper class.

And now you will say (it will only hurt the rich people). If I start a business and all of a sudden have to pay 15$ it will def not be profitable and I will just sell or move somewhere else. Also Biden said something about taxing everyone that has guns. So it is hurting me? Also I had to pay for my own college, he is trying to pass some policies that will make it free to others even though I was able to do it by myself, so everyone else gets free college because their parents didn't work as hard?

(Well they didn't have the opportunities you did) my parents provided housing and food. If your parents don't do that for you then their parenting is what's causing the work ethic and money skill issues. I'm stupid af and have adhd and was able to do it.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent