Here's what's annoying...

I don't give a fuck if it is "casual" mode. If you're intentionally avoiding payload, which people constantly do on this game, it should be reportable.

You are not clear that you mean inetionally avoid payload as actively trolling or just playing poorly. Not every character should be on the payload like kinessa or flankers they should be dealing with enemy kinessa's or flankers or just strait up murdering the enemy team. Intentionally feeding is reportable, but it sounds to me like you want to report anyone who is not on the objective.

I do wish you could obtain bonus gold like 50 gold if you do the most consistent damage. That way >even if all you can do is shoot people on the payload because your team is literally not helping. >You didn't just wast 15 minutes in a unwinnable game. It's not even a rare thing. This is happening consistently.

I have bad teams often, I don't have people trolling, the team just doens't play well together, not enough tanks, not enough heals thats how games like this go when you que up to play with random people. Bonus gold for medals isn't a terrible idea now sure if HR would go for it.

And you're one of the people who are the problem assuming everyone who joins is "Just bad".

Lol what? Cause I don't rage at bad players and ignore trolls i'm part of the problem? Do this mean you assume everyone who does badly is a troll?

You're the toxic one if you think people don't join games just to fuck people over.

Yes there are trolls I don't think there as many as you seem to think the're are. How does that make me toxic? I don't afk during my bad games. I don't rage at people doing badly, at worst i make a snide remark about getting on the objective.

People joining the game spamming emotes "Oops" and "Sorry" over and over again. While the entire enemy team are pushing the objective, are not just bad. Their just assholes.

I've had one game like this in the last 60 i played

Flankers who run straight into the enemy and die and spam "Oops" are not just bad. Their dying on purpose.

Eh this could happen to an honest player or a new player with them being a troll.

People fuck people over just for the hell of it if they can get away with it.

I like to believe people like this are a minority, its worse online of course. I've noticed I see a lot more of this in Ow than this game. But of course it has a lot more people playing

I don't know if you're new to Online games but this type of stuff only goes unchecked if people don't speak up about it.

I personally believe the best way to combat this is to lead by example. I try to be polite at all times and not rage at people when i'm in a garbage group. i fail at this at times but I try to honestly do my best each game and not waste time complaining in chat.

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