whats the arab equivalent of reddit?

Religion / politics are a touchy subject universally, regardless of their presence as catalysts for an explosive shitshow (besides their bloodlust, they are viciously eager to use obscene words -sexual meaning, of course-). However, they feel entitled to spam every thread with this sort of thing

  • "Don't go out before saying (insert wish invocation here)"
  • "Publish this and get the good karma. If you didn't publish it that's because you were prevented from it by the Devil's tentation."
  • "Ask for divine forgiveness! Because I told you to, for no particular reason.. (... you softcore muslim hypocrite / heathen... oops the subtext is showing elsewhere in my post)"
  • Read this loudly not with your mind "(lengthy wish invocation followed immediately with) and I swear I will publish/share/..." with a passive-aggressive smiley in the end

Not to mention the despicable practice (at least how I see it as a muslim) of using sacred quotes as spam/like-fishing material that they think "everywhere and everyday is the proper context for this!" I bet they're the same scum who open Quran loudly in work times to make street passerby and workers bear the sin of irreverence to sacred words (at least that's their explicit intent).

And asking to accommodate obtuse preferences (I'd love your movies everyone downloads to be stripped of music, for everyone else) (We'd love to invite this "XYZ translation group" to our forum/ forum says "new section: XYZ group for censoring and translating movies: 0 posts") and inciting flame wars over stuff like than then inviting other forum dwellers to participate in their forums and they call it to "enter islam" (implying everyone else identifying as muslims/arabs but them are all heathens, in predominantly muslim countries regardless of sect!)... by joining their "Islamic" forums. The horrible thing is that they think "Islam forums" being focused on stuff like teaching prayer/charity amounts/.. is "retrograde mokery imposed by heathen puppet regimes" and these forums should be repurposed to discuss more "serious" "useful" stuff... that's almost always tied with some political party of a particular leaning.

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