What's so bad about not caring about politics at all/disliking Right/Left politicsl? Shouldn't we be free to decide we don't want to deal with all the stress that comes with arguing online/trying to be always politically involved and seeing politics everywhere without being made fun of?

What’s “bad” about it is that it’s lazy, and irresponsible. You may not care, but you know who does care? Landlords. Oil executives. Wall Street. The local police department. Countless other agencies which have countless levels of control over your life and the lives of those around you.

It’s one thing to not spend great portions of your time and energy debating issues online, or making some sort of second job out of it. It’s another thing entirely to literally “not care”, and act as if it’s something you shouldn't care about. It’s part of being a responsible adult to at least have a solid foundational understanding of the political world and it’s ramifications. More important is to have that level understanding about the actual issues underlying that political world.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread