What's the best way to date if you're in your 30's?

Glad to be of service...Only if the story could end there.

John is happier than he has ever been. He is madly in love with you and adores the kids. You two take spontaneous trips all around the world, constant romantic outings. I would say it was like you are 18 again but it goes even deeper than that. It goes beyond a young, passionate, all encompassing love. This...This is finally real. Even after being together five years you get butterflies when you see him and he gets them just thinking about you. Sadly, the brightest stars always burn the shortest and raging fires quickly use up their fuel. It all begins when both kids are diagnosed with severe autism. You still love them of course but they will never be able to live on their own and require constant care. Things are fine at first but as the kids get older things get more difficult. Their tantrums become dangerous, John has to quit his dream job to take care of them and stays at home all day while you continue running your successful company.

A massive strain begins to form in the marriage. You use to never fight. Mild disagreements at most, never even shouting. Now you fight all the time. Constant shouting matches about the kids, about things not being the same anymore. On your way home each day, instead of feeling butterflies at the thought of seeing John, you feel dread. John for his part feels resentment. That dead end job isn't looking so bad anymore. He didn't have a great life but he had a steady one, then you come around and upturn everything. The flame is gone, the love is gone, you are strangers to each other. You can hardly even look at each other anymore. John continues to be a good father for a time but deep down he hates his kids. He won't even admit it to himself but it's true. They ruined what was supposed to be a perfect life. He thought meeting you was the best thing that had ever happened to him. A mere twelve years later, he curses your name and the day he met you.

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