What's the best way you've spent your birthday?

Had a girl over that I'd been crushing on pretty hard. Even after she'd lost feelings for me supposedly. She made me cupcakes and said we should make out. That was my first time making out. It was brief and I was so shitty at it but I had a great time. We both laughed and had fun. That was a great day :)

Stop here if you just want to be happy

Then she led me on for nearly a year & fucked around with many other guys, keeping me as her sidebitch practically. Just someone to use to make herself feel better. Finally got to take her on a date though, after nearly a year (I know, I'm fucking stupid for continuing anywhere near as long as I did) of trying. We went out dancing, had fun & I asked her to dance for the third time & she said no. I found out later she went off right after that, asked another guy to dance, & ended up holding hands with him while grinding on him. Apparently he got a boner, she felt it, & danced even harder & more sexually on him. Then she slow danced with him. She told me she didn't like slow dancing. After this, she told him she felt bad and had to go but she told him to text her. Then she ran over and found me and started slow dancing with me, to the last half of the last song of the night. I didn't even find out about what she had done until three days later when a friend of mine told me. I confronted her on it in person ( but first I asked if she enjoyed our first date and would like to go on another, to which she said yes) and she said she was waiting for my friend to tell me. So apparently she wasn't going to tell me. Now she's been talking to this guy nearly everyday and giggling with him & walking with him, all right in front of me. Fucking sucks. I never got that from her but that's all I ever even wanted. Well, there you go reddit. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm probably going to delete this in the morning.

/r/AskReddit Thread