What's a cool fact about the human body that a lot of people don't know?

The erect penis.

Most of us know quite a it about the penis. And as a straight man, I seem to have a love hate relationship with the one eyed devil. I don't wish to exclude or offend women nor the LGBT community, But I can only speak as I am. The erect penis has become dirty and disgusting in the public arena. But lately I have thought about the penis. No not that way. I am straight so, will never be caught dead admitting to liking the penis on another man. The erect penis is by all accounts a thing of shame and taboo. There was a time when the erect penis represented the symbol of fertility. It was even used to scare off potential invaders. In fact the penis at its erect state was used for many things. Now it is all about sex. Well that's okay. If we think about it, without an erect penis none of will be here. It is obligatory for conception. I accept, there are now a myriad different ways for a woman to conceive. But most of us still use the old fashioned animalistic methods. But it is about what it represents, without an erect penis, entering a woman to deposit a mans essence will be quite difficult. We might overlook this very innocuous action. But it is deeply rooted in our instinctive programming. We must procreate for our species to survive and it is only second to water and food. In that sense an erect penis is vital. Moreover, nothing symbolizes sexual readiness than an erect penis. It is by any definition the most visible sign of sexual arousal. And I am reliably informed by the otherside that, they would prefer a sufficiently erect penis over size anyday. Not forgetting the biological miracle the penis performs by altering its shape and size on such a regular basis. No other human body part does this, woman of course do when carrying a child but you know what I mean. I am not suggesting that we man walk around all proud in public and celebrate the cock. But there is just a tad more to man's best friend.

/r/AskReddit Thread