What's the correct response to "Are you OK?"

I've gotten so used to just saying "I'm just tired" and faking a smile, and to be quite frank, it makes me feel even worse. These days I feel like we are so accustomed to trying not to be a burden that we are all becoming happy faces with sad eyes. And to me that's a problem because personally I feel sick when they see the fake smile and tell me that I'm looking great and happy and then they go on their merry way.

Personally, I think my new go-to has become "I'm having a bad day, but it'll be fine, I'm working on it. Thanks for asking though." or something along those lines. Because I'm also one of those people who always wants to put others first and not be a burden but I also find myself needing company and a little help often with nobody really to turn to. And it's hard to straight out tell people you deal with this essentially daily without feeling like you're manipulating friends into spending more time with you or receiving pity.

/r/depression Thread