What's the craziest black out drunk experience you've ever been told you've done?

Kind of late but, College Halloween party 2012

Went out in this NO ONE including myself knew what i was supposed to be. Reptar, yoshi, godzilla..who fucking knows.

Proceeded to get shitfaced drunk at a friend's apartment party. Eventually had this girl i've never met in a french maid costume on my lap and I was completely ignoring her. Eventually told my buddy, lets call him Craig, that I was going to have sex with said maid in earshot of her and she agreed, pulled me into the bathroom and went to work. The only thing I remember from the bathroom sex is sitting on the toilet asking what her name was. (Craig confirmed about the name asking because he was creeping outside the door, "needed to use the restroom"...yeah ok) Afterwards I went around telling EVERYONE about the shenanigans that just went on (I'm usually a very private person about those matters).

Girl ended up bawling her eyes out and leaving the party, she was a co-worker of a mutual friend that people barely knew so no one really noticed/cared.

The party then consisted of people making beer cities for me to crash through while roaring. Also Craig thought it was a great idea for me to smash beer cans on my forehead while roaring at the top of my lungs. No pre-crush, nothing!! I woke up with a killer kind of circular bruise on my forehead. Chad says I did about 7 or 8.

I eventually fell asleep in a random jeep in a parking garage about a block away from my own apartment. Who knows why I stopped there, I dont.

tl:dr Dinosaur bones french maid in bathroom, destroys beer cities and cans on head, falls asleep in random vehicle. Also Craig is an asshole/creep

/r/AskReddit Thread