What's the craziest butterfly effect that happened to you because of a small decision you made?

Yesterday I went to get groceries, I was heading back home but I saw a guy selling herbs by the sidewalk, I wasn't supposed to stop by him but I did take a turn just to "maybe buy some". When I stood there, there was this woman already buying from the guy. He didn't have a bag for the stuff she bought so he went looking for one from the sellers nearby. As he was away he took 5 minutes to comeback but I still stood there patiently to get some wormwood to make some tea. When the woman held the bag, and as she turned to walk away, she hit a plastic bottle he had standing by her feet and it dropped, so she apologized and right away she went to cross the road without paying attention for if there were any cars coming because she was looking at the seller picking the bottle, and a car literally almost hit her so I yelled "CAREFUL!!" and pulled her back, and she thanked me.

If it wasn't for that turn I took to "maybe get some", that woman would have been at a hospital right now, especially because I just stood there and didn't have any interaction with them until they were done.

/r/AskReddit Thread