What's the craziest thing you ever did at school?

I was in second grade. I had a friend (female) who would stuff grass up my shorts and used every opportunity to embarrass me. One day (it happened to be parent teacher night) I decided to frame her as a way to get back at her. I drew all over my maths book and handed it in to Mr Teacher. He saw the doodles and the tear caused by another student. Called both students to his desk but saw the look in my eyes that told hum I lied about my friend. He then tore my maths book completely in half. Blamed me for the damage to my maths book and gave me detention lunch time that same day. Parent teacher night comes along, I find out that Mr Teacher has gone through my cubby and taken out all of my books, Tells my mother that I destroyed my maths book, That I tried to get my friend into trouble and that I'm disruptive to the class. I only was lectured that night. My now ex friend and I were separated until she moved away and I never heard from her again. I ended up changing schools several months later. Turned out that Mr Teacher was promoted to Vice Principal and that the school needed a better anti bullying program.

/r/PlanetDolan Thread