In high school this less popular dude in my class wanted to ask my chick friend out but he was super nervous. I tried to give him pointers and advice but this dumbass had other plans.
This motherfucker walked up to her in the outside lunch area, where the entire school hangs out before school starts, gets down on one knee and begins reciting this poem he wrote about her. I can’t remember what it was but I remember feeling so embarrassed for him, it was horrible. My chick friend was dying too, she was a super nice girl and pretty popular and just stood there trying to say no. This went on for a good solid minute, he wouldn’t get up until she gave an answer. By this time, literally hundreds of high school kids are staring at her, waiting to see what she will say.
Unfortunately for less popular guy in zip off cargo pants, she said no. At the school I went to, people were not friendly either so he got a LOT of shit afterwards. I felt really bad for the kid, he was like the social plague at that point so everyone avoided him.
He no shit got in a dance battle during lunch like two weeks later and won everyone back and that became his thing, he would dance battle random people during lunch and people started liking him. High school was wild.