What's the deal with the term "sexual preference" now being offensive?

I'm gay, if I lived in America I'd be terrified.

I don't care if 99.99% of people say sexual preference, because I know they're using a term they've learnt without consideration or ulterior motive--in much the same way as someone saying 'what's your christian name' for first name.

But 'sexual preference' is 100% a dog whistle for a certain group of people. All of the people arguing that is isn't are missing what 'dog whistle' means and are proving the point. For those just now wandering in to the discussion it seems ridiculous to take exception to it.

But preference is used to go back to the 'lifestyle' discussion. It goes back to sexuality being a choice and caused by a deviant mind, it goes back to it being against biology and nature. It's been used as a way of re-framing the topic of sexuality and diminishing anything that isn't heterosexuality.

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