What's the deal with Vice reporters breaking into 8Chan owner, Jim Watkins house?

Ask yourselves why a wake of upvotes follows this account and invites the karmic reversals of everyone it criticizes. Was their argument really that compelling? Enough to convince you there's no child porn on 8chan, despite the owners own acknowledgement? And when they lie in light of accusing everyone else of dishonesty, do you get a sense of validity in your mutual and absolute certainty in the falsehood that there's no child porn on 8chan? Is that cognitive dissonance? If not, why do you prefer the claims of some self-purportedly smug redditor the more reasonable accounts of the Washington Post? Are you even real? In a circle jerk, do you get have job, or do you just jack off the guy next to you and wonder what the fuck is happening?

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent