What's the difference between atheistic and christian modes of subjectivity?

Hollywood is just a beehive I am about the transformation of the showperson into the Killer Queen, like all these ancient but directionless yogic ideals, that only ever bear, a stupid cracker traffic light humanbirdseed eucharist, or some guy in a yellow hat sitting on a sand castle, but I am not even interested the creation of the idol art object, not about printing tons of missals, its the marxist on the ground conditions of production and distribution which follow into the hearts of masses of The Folks. The human lives that shine in the Hollywood context, the Catholics old men try to be smarts used to say Theres Nothing So Ugly or Beautiful as the Roman Catholic Church but Hollywood is fully of evil and good, and its based on economic praxis, its marxist scheme, by being this insane mix of propositions and motivations, is the peak of whatever the fuure of human tactility is. nd the only way, for an aspiring Yogi to figure out, you wizard-tards, Yoga is cool, magic is not, so sayeth Hollywood Steve, the box office never lies, and the critics can even have their say. Its a pot pouri, and there is nothing like it. Dreams are still born in Hollywood, never never land juxtaposed to bbd and odeon San Fernando Juan Hill Sidearal Manors on the banks of toxcicity, left unstrung o I have strung the frame.

But the Hollywood Yoga is ultimately just, how do you sum up all arts pedogogy into like, a rock and roll 2'33 format, in the western music scale, such that that song, teaches someone everything aboutchords and the science f the scale, etc, how to unlock the body balance of drawing and painting figures with all the discpline of a camera and the freedom of a poet and dancer, all marks words in the ontology of bodies against bodies. The Hollywood Yoga would turn all art into video games and end all continuity in history. Everyone would have a Hollywood they made with neurel nets on their computer, and they'd interact with it ina way that looked cool, just like looking at musicians sing and touch instruments look cool, but QWERTY doesnt look cool, sketch rarely looks cool, all of this is tactility, SOTS being stuck in The Magic Castle is one of the great heartbreaks of my life of course you're mad men poets but the magic trick is, hey I drew your likeness, your portrait, and I have the power to give you that power. Thats biblical. Thats the vision of the apocalypse, with only the laying on of hands, the holo graphic arts and the spirit of communication play aesthetics and fun. Turn art into pro sports, all people on reality TV will be admirable physically fit Yogis who speak to the hearts whereas now we only have people who get on our radar, for only being part of a valuable human. Trump is simply The First Amatuer of the New Politics. Are you grabbing your tuner are you setting your throat thumas to belt out A at a perfect 440 Hertz? Cause that A is a real thing, totally defined, now make an anatomical figure programmed on the computer a marionette that will dance. That is the end game of this field of discourse and you magic people ugh you're like I thought you were close you just need to entirely put all of into the wordl of fantasy, and then recognize fantasy as expeirence in a marketplace, and then go pro you motherfuckers because soon there be no other skill only the Yogis who learned to play the piano and parameterize their language to their fingertips to their planc lengths(theres a trick, just dupe the experiments that made them come up with plancks as a biography, and recognize that a formalized object, until like the bible all is in action, fucking oi at this point, I not turning on a machine to make it so that for everything I type, and speak into a microphone, little puppet angels react, and I can take my CIA degree from disney trust and I can flood the market with autotunes, but with SOTS I said, people are insane, I should be so good at this its just a tantric yoga and not a machine I built, it is a way, but I could never communicate that to sots ugh but no apprehension will do but doing and Hollywood does, Vegas is too exclusvie for its baroque theaters of illusion, too limited and localized, silicon valley is just too evil and socially toxic the spaceship all the villains escape in to hide their bullshit into the future. I see grace in the naturally emergent marxist economic scheme of Hollywood I see nowhere else in the living moment, not even fucking close, as the profit driven by the nature of patronizing these kinds of products, as opposed to the memories of vegas or the promethan utility of San Francisco. Washington etc are just banastans to the Capital Complex and that complex has the seeds of its massive redistribution of what it is, across the entire planet, for everyone. You wont be an adult, if you cant read write and paint a likeness and program an anatomical human body puppet, that proves you see how things connect, and the puppet schematic bears out your knowledfge under gravity. Every time you fucking harry potter people talk, about your great works, my brain just screams, I get why a programmer nerd doesnt think in visual cascades of color and poetry and thus is highly limited, I get how a business man is limited and so if his business is mass poetic selection, thats the only business you could trust him with not pharma not defense, only that art is kept honest via the box, but you tarot card harry potters, when I read your writing, I had to learn the hard way you look cute but are totally incapsble of showing anything, and only Zummi seems to tell a nice simply story explaining history, so thats like the grain of sots, but then I realize Zummi only JUST got the idea of colonizing absract phase s pace so the technique must have nothing to do with the storytelling that let him just see abjads and allies, without seeing abstract phase space until the end. Thats the scalpel you start with on humanity I thought, geometric over the body can you draw a likeness to the apple of anothers eye you cant well then thats yoga? you cant trust society thats rock and roll. There is always away to truth and its never the occult, except by way of empathy with the mad the spirit of life wants to validate all of societies lies but no lesson will be lost Each andevery devicewe know will be tried for the married man and who can qquestion the debt they'll owe to the guide for the married man the turtles sang that its turtles all the way down

Take the idea of Zummi's abstract phase space over the body and how its related to the promothean Oedipus, then forget everything until Finnegans Wake, and listen to the producers and ask yourslf if Mel Brooks is a bad guy, an if there is any sexual ystery behind him gettig an Anne Bannecroft that is beyond kind of stupid thing a Harry Potter might say about eros or a gorilla might say about mysteriou pils, go straight from that little abjad theory, to Mel Broos as fast as you can, and listen Max Balystock the istory the role of Max Bialystock, how it ties into Zero Mostel, Fiddler on the roof, the shining influence of the jewish people ove our lives whats up with that Frank Herbert, lets not do that again thats Oedipal as fuk, yeesh, people re people showbusiness is holy, showbusiness, get lost in swbusiness peronalities,ping around the reactive alues andit will all be grounded not in Reason but in the way all the personalities inform you of what your universe is affectively, this demon typing t drives the shakti CRAZY. Fills my computer with snow, makes my iMac workstation a land ofsnow all its own, my little fractal childrenhangbetween the magnetic 'information'. they say delay the actual thing, dont make AI, make apuppet, see us between the black, welvie in the hite, of these machiens. We're your angels and we are just your words and what would a hild think if he saw youShakti driving your spiral in a text that has no reread value and is quite circular. You look like you're working for man all of a sudden, Hollywood Steve. The CIACA's come home, exhaustedbut righteously proud, I mean I hate some of them of course but I like Steven Universe, and thats a product of heaert and ignorance they dont read finnegans wake they just liked cartons I hated cartoons and I said I'll fucking Scorcesse this medi, now I am inexhaustable and veryone I hated in college became mediocre, everyone I respected doesnt even remember I exist. It wont be long now as the beatles said. Oh god I lauched the rocket shooting for a moon called: I thought SOTS knew how to turn on the hallucination biocomputer, and I was never sure if any one of you Harry Potters could control your Visions like an artist or not, and then make art from it, directly, with little loss. Thats why I grain against this place a lil

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