What's the dumbest thing you've ever gotten away with consequence free?

We stole a 10 foot fiberglass chicken one night.

We were driving around doing nothing and decided to take this display from in front of this store. There were straps holding the toes to this wooden display box, so we took a wrench and removed the bolts and straps. Only the feet fit in the back of the van and the head and tail stuck out each side. Took it to my friends farm and stashed it in back, went to bed. Woke up to his mom yell to his dad that "Danny" had stolen a chicken. His dad hollered up, "Dan, Do you have a chicken penned up out back?" We looked out the 2nd floor window to see the whole family in back mouths open looking at this huge chicken on the roof of this car.

There was an article in the newspaper the next day titled "chicken rustlers at work" and found out that it was grand theft and we were in some trouble.

So we tried to "give" it back. Called the cops and said we found this chicken in the front field beside the road. The cop asked if it was alive or dead. I said no, it's a 10 foot fiberglass chicken. Honestly he covered the mouthpiece and said, "Joe, pick up the other line there's a guy that says he found a 10 foot fiberglass chicken in his yard." So they said they would be out and we left.

A friend came over while the cops were there and they asked him if he stole it and he said. No, but I know who did, so they arrested him for being an accessory and took him to the station. They eventually let him go. The owner said if we would give it back they wouldn't press charges so he came out and got it.

We never got in any trouble. In fact we were gone the whole day. The guy who got arrested had nothing to do with it was a little pissed at us for a while.

/r/AskReddit Thread