What's the equivalent of going to a White House dinner and being served McDonalds?

I'm not talking about people working for no pay. I'm talking about people who will be receiving back pay once it ends.

The guy I stand next to all day long, at the end of this shutdown having not worked or been able to work, will get back pay.

I will not. I am in a position guaranteed 40 hours a week, but I cannot do my job during the shutdown because I cannot access my office.

I work with federal employees doing the same job as them. We are limited by the number of fed positions that can be created, so a contracting firm supplies workers like me to fill the position.

I'm not so pissed about not getting paychecks (since I'm not working) but what sucks is that my insurance premiums for the $0 paychecks will be taken out of successive paychecks once the shutdown ends. So I'm out thousands of dollars for missing paychecks, then when I do start getting paid again I have additional premium taken out of the checks. So I have no income for weeks, then when I finally get income the check will be about half what a normal paycheck would be.

Two things are lame: fed doing my same job gets back pay and his insurance was never in jeopardy. second is that the taxpayer has already paid for my time and my insurance, and the contracting firm is

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