What's the fastest you've ever gone from caring about someone to straight up loathing them?

Adam was a guy I was kind of seeing (we'd hung out as friends for years, then he fiiiiinally asked me out on a date). We went out to dinner and had a great time, then we decided we'd go back to his place. We'd both driven our own cars to the restaurant, so the plan was for me to follow him in my car.

It was late-ish (around 10), and his house was down a winding wooded road. I don't know if he was showing off or what, but he started driving really fast around these turns, and I was having trouble following. I started to get pissed, and picked up my phone to call him and tell him to show the fuck down.

On the second ring, I round a bend, and INSTANTLY see him smash into an ambulance that's pulling out of a driveway, lights blaring. The ambulance gets flipped over, and Adam's car is completely trashed. Luckily, Adam only had a few bruises across his neck and chest from the seatbelt, and some cuts. He was fine.

I ran to the ambulance and the driver was frantically yelling, from the wrecked ambulance, not to call 911 because there was only one other ambulance in the area and they needed it to now go to the call that this guy was heading out to. This dude was sitting in a flipped over vehicle, begging us not to put someone else's life in danger.

It was a MESS.

Anyway, here's why I hate Adam -- once we got to the hospital, he and his entire family all pulled me aside one by one and begged me to say that the ambulance driver was driving recklessly and pulled into Adam, rather than the other way around.

I said that was clearly not true, and that for Christ's sake, he fucked up an AMBULANCE, putting someone else at risk who was having an actual emergency and that he should take responsibility, Adam changed on a dime. He cursed me out, called me a fat slut and said to get the fuck out of his life forever.

For the record, I was skinny and he and I had only ever kissed before, so he was a liar, too. Fuck that guy.

/r/AskReddit Thread