What's going on with the GME stock going up again?

So, you raise a lot of really unrelated points but I'll go down the list.

Losses are unlimited on paper, but if there was 120% SI last time, and now there's 20%, we should expect a small squeeze this time (all other things being equal).

Synthetic shorts exist, but from what I've seen they're generally more expensive than traditional shorts. Plus, GME is actually pretty cheap to borrow (atleast for meme stocks)! If you want to short GME, you don't need to do all this expensive cloak-and-dagger stuff, you can just go out and short it.

In terms of the CEO, you say "Everyone is innocent until proven guilty", and then assume that he's guilty in the next line.

PFOF is a really complex topic, and I think generally speaking I'm against. But it's got some major benefits, mainly in that it gives retail traders much better execution than they'd get against the exchanges. Ultimately, if you want the better execution, the market makers need to get their cut somewhere in the process - and the location doesn't really matter to anyone. Same for dark pools - they have scary names, but they fill important roles in our economy.

I don't think GME cultists are doing anything illegal - it's their money, and they can invest it where they want.

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