What's the harshest thing you've ever said to a significant other? Do you regret it?

I'm sure I've said some pretty terrible things back in my don't-give-a-shit-about-anything high school days...but in my adult life, the harshest thing I've said was when I told my husband (boyfriend at the time) that he wasn't my best friend. We always referred to each other as best friends and really loved that about our relationship. But one night I got really drunk, he played a trick on me in front of a bunch of ppl at the bar and I started a play fight and as I was going to smack his shoulder he moved to where I accidentally smacked his face in front of everyone at the bar. He was seriously embarrassed and got really mad at me. I was pissed that he was acting so mad over an unintentional hit, and screamed at him the entire walk home about how he could never be my best friend because if he was he wouldn't have gotten so upset (except I said it in much harsher words, that would probably get my comment removed). It really hurt his feelings that I would say something like that to him. I regretted it the next day, definitely. I felt terrible and I wasn't sure where our relationship was gonna go from there. But now, 5 years later looking back, I am embarrassed about my past behavior but I don't regret it. It did made me realize that I need to stop drinking liquor because it was not the first time I was acting ridiculous/aggressive/mean after drinking too much liquor. It was the thing that really gave me a reality check about my behavior and I matured up a lot. We have been married for two years now and have a baby girl together so all is well.

/r/AskWomen Thread