What's a job you cannot help but look down upon and why?

I will never respect or trust anyone who has one of those investment banker, high finance type careers. I've known and worked with plenty of them and have formed my impression over years, as well as seeing the way the world and society gets treated by them. Is my stereotype unfair to any who may happen to be decent people? Sure, but after something like the great recession, you cannot expect me (or anyone else) to take a chance on trusting you. Take it on the chin.

Finance is a toxic culture with money being the only thing it can offer you, and where who has the priciest watch or suit is imagined to actually matter. What does that say about people who make that their career? They are also generally rather dull people, as they're on the whole not interested in their field beyond the salary (unlike, say, most programmers or engineers I've met who actually have an interest in their field and are therefore interesting people, or people who find a cause in their work such as the medical professionals or teachers I know).

Why would I want anyone like that around me or in my life?

/r/AskReddit Thread