What's the last straw that made you go, "yep, that person is definitely crazy"?

I had gone into short term disability for issues with depression and PTSD. My closest friend at the time would consistently tell me how “you should just quit your meds” “do you really think therapy is a good idea?” I still gave enormous energy to take them to the airport, pick up packages for them when they asked, be emotionally available when they drunk texted their ex abusively. I decided to distance myself because of the negative energy, after texting them “hey I’ve been in bed for a couple days, if I got ingredients would you make a great lunch with me?” Their response was “sounds like you should go back to work.” This friend hasn’t worked in two years and is supported by their father while living alone and still managing to fail school.

Obviously, I still cared for them deeply. I saw they posted their apartment online and I reached out to a mutual friend, his roommate. I just said “wanting to just check up on you both and make sure everything is good, I’m distancing myself from (_) for personal stuff, but I care for you both and give the cat lots of love”.

Said friend then went on a giant tirade telling me how I’ve been insufferable and I was playing victim and I’m a bad friend. No care in the world with how I was feeling.

/r/AskReddit Thread