whats the matter with the G2 seriously

You're not matching rendering resolutions like you think you are.

The headset you are using in itself has no effect on performance intrinsically but is a sum of the following parts:

- What is the *actual* resolution the game is being rendered at? You can check this using fpsVR which has a "Detect Resolution" option.

- Video transport overhead? Eg Link and Virtual Desktop have significant encoding and decoding overhead. The G2 and Index both have negligible overhead in this department.

That's it. There's no magic optimization that the Index is doing where it allows more performance per pixel. It's just less pixels. Video transport overhead being equal, if you are getting less performance, it's because the game is rendering more pixels. It's as simple as that.

That said, I've found that if I max out the settings in WMR, I can lower the settings below what steamVR is recommending without any noticeable decline in visual quality.

/r/HPReverb Thread