What's the meanest thing you did as a child?

In 5th grade there was a very annoying kid in my class who would do anything to gain acceptance from anyone. Like, anything. Also, around this time people in class was just staring to figure out what sex was. This is important.

Well, one day during recess I was in the restroom at the same time as this attention-starved kid and another kid who I never got along with. Totally his fault, he was weird. Anyways! This kid I didn't like was on one side of the restroom by himself and I was at the other end washing my hands at the sink next to the attention-starved kid. I noticed the kid I didn't like bent over to tie his shoe. Well, as a joke, I told the attention-starved kid to go behind the kid I didn't like and start making thrusting gestures behind him, because 5th grade.

Oh boy, did he ever go above and beyond. He went behind this kid who was tying his shoe, grabbed him by the hips, and started vigorously thrusting against the other kid. He was making full contact and fucking moaning. Wasn't what I had in mind, but I respected his enthusiasm.

Other kid wasn't amused. Threatened to slice the attention-starved kids throat. Nothing happened, but still. Pretty shitty on my part.

/r/AskReddit Thread